Last Wednesday 18th of January 18 I lectured in the University of Seville on the possible media to diffuse critical work in Architecture both in the network and written publications. The conference "Critical Architecture in the 2.0 environment. Means of expression on Internet: Tools 2.0." briefly described my work as an essayist, architect and academic that I have posted on the net and various publications.
Lecture/Conferencia en medios de difusion para la Arquitectura Critica
El pasado Miercoles 18 de Enero hice una exposicion en la Universidad de Sevilla sobre los posibles medios de difusion para la critica de arquitectura tanto en la red como a traves de la publicacion escrita. La conferencia "Arquitectura Critica en el entorno 2.0. Medios de expresion en la red: Herramientas 2.0."expuso brevemente mi trabajo como ensayista, arquitecta y academica que he difundido en la red y diversas publicaciones.
Last Wednesday 18th of January 18 I lectured in the University of Seville on the possible media to diffuse critical work in Architecture both in the network and written publications. The conference "Critical Architecture in the 2.0 environment. Means of expression on Internet: Tools 2.0." briefly described my work as an essayist, architect and academic that I have posted on the net and various publications.
Last Wednesday 18th of January 18 I lectured in the University of Seville on the possible media to diffuse critical work in Architecture both in the network and written publications. The conference "Critical Architecture in the 2.0 environment. Means of expression on Internet: Tools 2.0." briefly described my work as an essayist, architect and academic that I have posted on the net and various publications.