
Launch of Visiting School Politics of Fabrication Laboratory, Cuba

Comienza esta semana la oferta limitada para solicitudes de participacion en la Visiting School de la Architectural Association Politics of Fabrication Laboratory que se realizara en Havana, Cuba, del 6 al 17 de Agosto de 2012. Podeis encontrar mas informacion en la web de la AA (http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/STUDY/VISITING/havana) y en el microsite de la Visiting School (http://havana.aaschool.ac.uk/), o podeis escribirnos a politicsfablab@gmail.com.

This week starts the limited offer of applications to participate in the AA Visiting School Politics of Fabrication Laboratory in havana, Cuba, between the 6th and 17th of August 2012. You can find more information in the AA website (http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/STUDY/VISITING/havana) and the Visiting School microsite (http://havana.aaschool.ac.uk/), or you can write us to politicsfablab@gmail.com.


Lecture in UPC/Conferencia UPC

El pasado Viernes presentamos el trabajo que realizamos desde Politics of Fabrication Laboratory con motivo del Forum en investigacion de Arquitectura, Educacion y Sociedad celebrado en la ETSA Barcelona, UPC. La presentacion de 20 minutos comenzo con una breve argumentacion sobre el concepto de Politics of Fabrication, seguido por una muestra de nuestra experiencia el pasado verano en Chile.

Last Friday we presented Politics of Fabrication work in the architecture, Education and Society Forum of Research on Architecture in the ETSA Barcelona, UPC. The 20 min. lecture  started with a brief explanation of the argument behind Politics of Fabrication, followed by a show of our experience last summer in Chile.


Arquia Proxima

Acabamos de recibir la noticia de que hemos sido seleccionados tanto por la iniciativa academica Politics of Fabrication como por nuestra oficina canales & Lombardero en Arquia Proxima. Es una gran alegria poder figurar entre los seleccionados y unirnos al grupo de jovenes arquitectos emergentes que despuntan en la Arquitectura Espanola actual.

We have just received the news that we have been selected for both our academic initiative Politics of Fabrication Laboratory and our office canales & lombardero in the Arquia Proxima Young Architect 2012 Awards. It is a great joy to be among those selected and join the emerging group of young architects that stand out in the current Spanish architecture.
